Package geshi

Class Summary
GeSHiThe GeSHi Class.
Function Summary
geshi_highlightEasy way to highlight stuff.
Global Summary
GESHI_ACTIVELinks in the source in the :active state
GESHI_AFTERThe key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to put after the replacement
GESHI_ALWAYSStrict mode always applies
GESHI_BEFOREThe key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to put before the replacement
GESHI_CAPS_LOWERLeave keywords found as the case that they are
GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGELowercase keywords found
GESHI_CAPS_UPPERUppercase keywords found
GESHI_CLASSThe key of the regex array defining a custom keyword to use for this regexp's html tag class
GESHI_COMMENTSUsed in language files to mark comments
GESHI_END_IMPORTANTThe ender for important parts of the source
GESHI_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLEGeSHi could not open a file for reading (generally a language file)
GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_HEADER_TYPEThe header type passed to {@link GeSHi->set_header_type()} was invalid
GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER_TYPEThe line number type passed to {@link GeSHi->enable_line_numbers()} was invalid
GESHI_ERROR_NO_INPUTNo sourcecode to highlight was specified
GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANGThe language specified does not exist
GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERSUse fancy line numbers when building the result
GESHI_HEADER_DIVUse a "div" to surround the source
GESHI_HEADER_NONEUse nothing to surround the source
GESHI_HEADER_PREUse a "pre" to surround the source
GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLEUse a "table" to surround the source: $header $linenumbers$code> $footer this is essentially only a workaround for Firefox, see sf#1651996 or take a look at
GESHI_HEADER_PRE_VALIDUse a pre to wrap lines when line numbers are enabled or to wrap the whole code.
GESHI_HOVERLinks in the source in the :hover state
GESHI_LANG_ROOTThe language file directory for GeSHi @access private
GESHI_LINKLinks in the source in the :link state
GESHI_MAX_PCRE_LENGTHit's also important not to generate too long regular expressions be generous here...
GESHI_MAX_PCRE_SUBPATTERNSsome old PHP / PCRE subpatterns only support up to xxx subpatterns in regular expressions.
GESHI_MAYBEStrict mode *might* apply, and can be enabled or disabled by {@link GeSHi->enable_strict_mode()}
GESHI_MODIFIERSThe key of the regex array defining any modifiers to the regular expression
GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERSUse normal line numbers when building the result
GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERSUse no line numbers when building the result
GESHI_NUMBER_BIN_PREFIX_0BNumber format to highlight binary numbers with a prefix 0b (C)
GESHI_NUMBER_BIN_PREFIX_PERCENTNumber format to highlight binary numbers with a prefix %
GESHI_NUMBER_BIN_SUFFIXNumber format to highlight binary numbers with a suffix "b"
GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCINumber format to highlight floating-point numbers without support for scientific notation
GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCI_FNumber format to highlight floating-point numbers without support for scientific notation
GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_SHORTNumber format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and optional leading zero
GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_ZERONumber format to highlight floating-point numbers with support for scientific notation (E) and required leading digit
GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_PREFIXNumber format to highlight hex numbers with a prefix 0x
GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_SUFFIXNumber format to highlight hex numbers with a suffix of h
GESHI_NUMBER_INT_BASICBasic number format for integers
GESHI_NUMBER_INT_CSTYLEEnhanced number format for integers like seen in C
GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_PREFIXNumber format to highlight octal numbers with a leading zero
GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_SUFFIXNumber format to highlight octal numbers with a suffix of o
GESHI_PHP_PRE_433Used to work around missing PHP features
GESHI_REPLACEThe key of the regex array defining what bracket group in a matched search to use as a replacement
GESHI_ROOTThe root directory for GeSHi
GESHI_SEARCHThe key of the regex array defining what to search for
GESHI_SECURITY_PARANOIDTells GeSHi to be paranoid about security settings
GESHI_START_IMPORTANTThe starter for important parts of the source
GESHI_VERSIONThe version of this GeSHi file
GESHI_VISITEDLinks in the source in the :visited state
language_dataabap.php -------- Author: Andres Picazo ( Contributors: - Sandra Rossi ( - Jacob Laursen ( Copyright: (c) 2007 Andres Picazo Release Version: Date Started: 2004/06/04ABAP language file for GeSHi.