
Package PHPDoctor\Doclets\Debug

This doclet outputs all the parsed data in a format suitable for debugging PHPDoctor.
Class Summary
DebugThe debugging doclet.

Package PHPDoctor\Doclets\Debug Description

This doclet outputs all the parsed data in a format suitable for debugging PHPDoctor.

It consists of a single class that traverses the parsed tokens and generates a tree output of all program elements to standard output.

Example output:

|- PHPDoctor
||- mixed $argv
||- mixed $_ENV
||- mixed $phpdoc
||- mixed $rootDoc
||- final mixed T_DOC_COMMENT
||- final mixed T_ML_COMMENT
||- final mixed T_PRIVATE
||- final mixed T_PROTECTED
||- final mixed T_PUBLIC
||- final mixed T_ABSTRACT
||- final mixed T_FINAL
||- final mixed T_INTERFACE
||- final mixed T_IMPLEMENTS
||- final mixed T_CONST
||- final mixed T_THROW
||- final mixed GLOB_ONLYDIR = FALSE
||- final mixed STDERR = fopen("php://stderr", "wb")
||- public class classDoc extends programElementDoc
|||- private str $_superclass = NULL
|||- private bool $_interface = FALSE
|||- private constructorDoc[] $_constructor = array()
|||- private fieldDoc[] $_fields = array()
|||- private methodDoc[] $_methods = array()
|||- private classDoc[] $_interfaces = array()
|||- private bool $_abstract = FALSE
|||- public classDoc(str name, rootDoc root)
||||- str $name
||||- rootDoc $root
|||- public void addField(fieldDoc field)
||||- fieldDoc $field
|||- public void addConstructor(methodDoc constructor)
||||- methodDoc $constructor
|||- public void addMethod(methodDoc method)
||||- methodDoc $method
|||- public constructorDoc constructor()
|||- public fieldDoc[] fields()
|||- public methodDoc[] methods()
|||- public classDoc[] interfaces()
|||- public bool isAbstract()
|||- public bool isInterface()
|||- public bool subclassOf(classDoc cd)
||||- classDoc $cd
|||- public classDoc superclass()
|||- public bool isClass()
|||- public bool isOrdinaryClass()
|||- public bool isException()
||- public class constructorDoc extends executableDoc
|||- public str qualifiedName()
||- public abstract class doc
|||- private str $_name = NULL
|||- private mixed[] $_data = NULL
|||- private str $_docComment = ''
|||- private tag[] $_tags = array()
|||- public int $inBody
|||- private rootDoc $_root = NULL
|||- public bool set(str member, mixed value)
||||- str $member
||||- mixed $value
|||- public bool setByRef(str member, mixed value)
||||- str $member
||||- mixed $value
|||- public str name()
|||- public tag[] tags(str tagName)
||||- str $tagName = NULL
|||- public str getRawCommentText()
|||- public bool isClass()
|||- public bool isConstructor()
|||- public bool isException()
|||- public bool isGlobal()
|||- public bool isField()
|||- public bool isFunction()
|||- public bool isInterface()
|||- public bool isMethod()
|||- public bool isOrdinaryClass()
|||- public void mergeData()
|||- public str getHTMLContents(str filename)
||||- str $filename
||- public abstract class executableDoc extends programElementDoc
|||- private fieldDoc[] $_parameters = array()
|||- private methodDoc[] $_functions = array()
|||- private classDoc[] $_throws = array()
|||- public void addMethod(methodDoc function)
||||- methodDoc $function
|||- public fieldDoc[] parameters()
|||- public methodDoc[] functions()
|||- public classDoc[] thrownExceptions()
|||- public tag[] paramTags()
|||- public type throwsTags()
|||- public str signature()
|||- public str flatSignature()
||- public class fieldDoc extends programElementDoc
|||- private type $_type = NULL
|||- private mixed $_value = NULL
|||- public fieldDoc(str name, classDoc|methodDoc parent, rootDoc root)
||||- str $name
||||- classDoc|methodDoc $parent
||||- rootDoc $root
|||- public type type()
|||- public mixed value()
|||- public str typeAsString()
|||- public mixed constantValue()
||- public class methodDoc extends executableDoc
|||- private type $_returnType
|||- private bool $_abstract = FALSE
|||- public methodDoc(str name, classDoc|methodDoc parent, rootDoc root)
||||- str $name
||||- classDoc|methodDoc $parent
||||- rootDoc $root
|||- public void addParameter(fieldDoc parameter)
||||- fieldDoc $parameter
|||- public type returnType()
|||- public str returnTypeAsString()
|||- public bool isAbstract()
||- public class packageDoc extends doc
|||- private rootDoc $_root = NULL
|||- private classDoc[] $_classes = array()
|||- private fieldDoc[] $_globals = array()
|||- private methodDoc[] $_functions = array()
|||- public packageDoc(str name, rootDoc root)
||||- str $name
||||- rootDoc $root
|||- public str asPath()
|||- public int depth()
|||- public void addClass(classDoc class)
||||- classDoc $class
|||- public void addGlobal(fieldDoc global)
||||- fieldDoc $global
|||- public void addFunction(methodDoc function)
||||- methodDoc $function
|||- public classDoc[] allClasses()
|||- public classDoc[] exceptions()
|||- public classDoc[] interfaces()
|||- public classDoc[] ordinaryClasses()
|||- public fieldDoc[] globals()
|||- public methodDoc[] functions()
|||- public classDoc findClass(str className)
||||- str $className
||- public class phpDoctor
|||- private str $_version = '2a'
|||- private str $_path = '.'
|||- private int $_startTime = NULL
|||- private str[] $_options = array()
|||- private bool $_verbose = FALSE
|||- private bool $_quiet = FALSE
|||- private str[] $_files = array()
|||- private str $_sourcePath = './'
|||- private bool $_subdirs = TRUE
|||- private str $_defaultPackage = 'The Unknown Package'
|||- private str $_overview = NULL
|||- private str $_packageCommentDir = NULL
|||- private bool $_public = TRUE
|||- private bool $_protected = FALSE
|||- private bool $_private = FALSE
|||- private str $_doclet = 'standard'
|||- private str $_docletPath = 'doclets'
|||- private str $_tagletPath = 'taglets'
|||- private str $_currentFilename = NULL
|||- public phpDoctor(str config)
||||- str $config = 'default.ini'
|||- private void _buildFileList(array files, mixed dir)
||||- array $files
||||- mixed $dir
|||- public void message(str msg)
||||- str $msg
|||- public void verbose(str msg)
||||- str $msg
|||- public void warning(str msg)
||||- str $msg
|||- public void error(str msg)
||||- str $msg
|||- private int _getTime()
|||- public str makeAbsolutePath(str path, str prefix)
||||- str $path
||||- str $prefix
|||- public str fixPath(str path)
||||- str $path
|||- public str docletPath()
|||- public str sourcePath()
|||- public str version()
|||- public str defaultPackage()
|||- public str[] options()
|||- public rootDoc parse()
|||- public bool execute(rootDoc rootDoc)
||||- rootDoc $rootDoc
|||- private array _mergeArrays(array one, array two)
||||- array $one
||||- array $two
|||- private str _getNext(array tokens, int key, int whatToGet)
||||- array $tokens
||||- int $key
||||- int $whatToGet
|||- private str _getPrev(array tokens, int key, int whatToGet)
||||- array $tokens
||||- int $key
||||- int $whatToGet
|||- public mixed[] processDocComment(str comment)
||||- str $comment
|||- private tag _createTag(str name, str text, str data)
||||- str $name
||||- str $text
||||- str[] $data
||- public abstract class programElementDoc extends doc
|||- private mixed $_parent = NULL
|||- private str $_package = NULL
|||- private bool $_final = FALSE
|||- private str $_access = 'public'
|||- private bool $_static = FALSE
|||- public void makePublic()
|||- public void makeProtected()
|||- public void makePrivate()
|||- public classDoc containingClass()
|||- public packageDoc containingPackage()
|||- public str qualifiedName()
|||- public str modifiers(mixed showPublic)
||||- mixed $showPublic = TRUE
|||- public bool isPublic()
|||- public bool isProtected()
|||- public bool isPrivate()
|||- public bool isFinal()
|||- public bool isStatic()
||- public class rootDoc extends doc
|||- private phpdoctor $_phpdoctor = NULL
|||- private packageDoc[] $_packages = array()
|||- public rootDoc(phpdoctor phpdoctor)
||||- phpdoctor $phpdoctor
|||- public void addPackage(packageDoc package)
||||- packageDoc $package
|||- public str[] phpdoctor()
|||- public str[] options()
|||- public packageDoc[] packages()
|||- public classDoc[] classes()
|||- public methodDoc[] functions()
|||- public fieldDoc[] globals()
|||- public packageDoc packageNamed(str name)
||||- str $name
|||- public classDoc classNamed(str name)
||||- str $name
||- public class type
|||- private str $_name = NULL
|||- private int $_dimension
|||- private rootDoc $_root = NULL
|||- public type(mixed name, mixed root)
||||- mixed $name
||||- mixed $root
|||- public str typeName()
|||- public str dimension()
|||- public str qualifiedTypeName()
|||- public str toString()
|||- public classDoc asClassDoc()
|- PHPDoctor.Tags
||- public class paramTag extends tag
|||- private str $_var = NULL
|||- public paramTag(str text, str data)
||||- str $text
||||- str[] $data
|||- public str displayName()
|||- public void inConstructor()
|||- public void inField()
|||- public void inMethod()
|||- public void inOverview()
|||- public void inPackage()
|||- public void inType()
|||- public void isInlineTag()
||- public class returnTag extends tag
|||- public returnTag(str text, str data)
||||- str $text
||||- str[] $data
|||- public str displayName()
|||- public void inConstructor()
|||- public void inField()
|||- public void inMethod()
|||- public void inOverview()
|||- public void inPackage()
|||- public void inType()
|||- public void isInlineTag()
||- public class seeTag extends tag
|||- private str $_link = NULL
|||- public seeTag(mixed text)
||||- mixed $text
|||- public str displayName()
|||- public void inConstructor()
|||- public void inField()
|||- public void inMethod()
|||- public void inOverview()
|||- public void inPackage()
|||- public void inType()
|||- public void isInlineTag()
||- public class tag
|||- private str $_name = NULL
|||- private str $_text = NULL
|||- public tag(mixed name, mixed text)
||||- mixed $name
||||- mixed $text
|||- public str name()
|||- public str displayName()
|||- public str text()
|||- public void inConstructor()
|||- public void inField()
|||- public void inMethod()
|||- public void inOverview()
|||- public void inPackage()
|||- public void inType()
|||- public void isInlineTag()
||- public class throwsTag extends tag
|||- private str $_class = NULL
|||- public throwsTag(mixed text, mixed data)
||||- mixed $text
||||- mixed $data
|||- public void inConstructor()
|||- public void inField()
|||- public void inMethod()
|||- public void inOverview()
|||- public void inPackage()
|||- public void inType()
|||- public void isInlineTag()
|- PHPDoctor.Doclets.Debug
||- public class debug
|||- public int $depth = 1
|||- public debug(rootDoc rootDoc)
||||- rootDoc $rootDoc
|||- public void fieldDoc(fieldDoc fields, mixed showAccess)
||||- fieldDoc[] $fields
||||- mixed $showAccess = FALSE
|||- public void methodDoc(methodDoc methods)
||||- methodDoc[] $methods
|||- public void constructorDoc(constructorDoc constructors)
||||- constructorDoc[] $constructors
|||- public void classDoc(classDoc classes)
||||- classDoc[] $classes
|- PHPDoctor.Doclets.Standard
||- public class classWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public classWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
|||- private mixed[] _buildTree(rootDoc rootDoc, classDoc class, int depth)
||||- rootDoc $rootDoc
||||- classDoc $class
||||- int $depth = NULL
||- public class frameOutputWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public frameOutputWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class functionWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public functionWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class globalWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public globalWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class htmlWriter
|||- private doclet $_doclet
|||- private str[][] $_sections = NULL
|||- private int $_depth
|||- private str $_id = 'overview'
|||- private str $_output = ''
|||- public htmlWriter(mixed doclet)
||||- mixed $doclet
|||- private str _htmlHeader(mixed title)
||||- mixed $title
|||- private str _htmlFooter()
|||- private str _shellHeader(mixed path)
||||- mixed $path
|||- private str _shellFooter(mixed path)
||||- mixed $path
|||- private str _nav(mixed path)
||||- mixed $path
|||- private void _write(str path, str title, bool shell)
||||- str $path
||||- str $title
||||- bool $shell
|||- private str[] _splitComment(str comment)
||||- str $comment
|||- private str _processTags(tag tags)
||||- tag[] $tags
||- public class packageFrameWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public packageFrameWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
|||- private str _buildFrame(mixed package)
||||- mixed $package
|||- private str _allItems(mixed rootDoc)
||||- mixed $rootDoc
||- public class packageIndexFrameWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public packageIndexFrameWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class packageIndexWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public packageIndexWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class packageWriter extends htmlWriter
|||- public packageWriter(doclet doclet)
||||- doclet $doclet
||- public class standard
|||- private rootDoc $_rootDoc
|||- private str $_d
|||- private str $_windowTitle = 'The Unknown Project'
|||- private str $_docTitle = 'The Unknown Project'
|||- private str $_header = 'Unknown'
|||- private str $_footer = 'Unknown'
|||- private str $_bottom = 'This document was generated by PHPDoctor: The PHP Documentation Creator'
|||- private str $_tree = TRUE
|||- public standard(rootDoc rootDoc)
||||- rootDoc $rootDoc
|||- public rootDoc rootDoc()
|||- public phpdoctor phpdoctor()
|||- public str destinationPath()
|||- public str windowTitle()
|||- public str docTitle()
|||- public str getHeader()
|||- public str getFooter()
|||- public str bottom()
|||- public bool tree()
|||- public str version()
