
Package SimpleTest

Class Summary
BadGroupTestThis is a failing group test for when a test suite hasn't loaded properly.
CallCountExpectationConfirms that the number of calls on a method is as expected.
CallMapRetrieves values and references by searching the parameter lists until a match is found.
EqualExpectationTest for equality.
FieldExpectationTest for an HTML widget value match.
GroupTestThis is a composite test class for combining test cases and other RunnableTest classes into a group test.
HtmlReporterSample minimal test displayer.
HttpHeaderExpectationTest for a specific HTTP header within a header block.
HttpHeaderPatternExpectationTest for a specific HTTP header within a header block.
HttpUnwantedHeaderExpectationTest for a specific HTTP header within a header block that should not be found.
IdenticalExpectationTest for identity.
IsAExpectationTests either type or class name if it's an object.
MaximumCallCountExpectationConfirms that the number of calls on a method is as expected.
MethodExistsExpectationTests for existance of a method in an object
MinimumCallCountExpectationConfirms that the number of calls on a method is as expected.
MockStatic methods only service class for code generation of mock objects.
MultipleSelectionTagDrop down widget.
NestingCaseTagAccumulator for incoming case tag.
NestingGroupTagAccumulator for incoming group tag.
NestingMethodTagAccumulator for incoming method tag.
NestingXmlTagAccumulator for incoming tag.
NotAExpectationTests either type or class name if it's an object.
NotEqualExpectationTest for inequality.
NotIdenticalExpectationTest for non-identity.
PHPUnit_TestCaseAdapter for PEAR PHPUnit test case to allow legacy PEAR test cases to be used with SimpleTest.
ParallelRegexCompounded regular expression.
ParametersExpectationParameter comparison assertion.
RemoteTestCaseRuns an XML formated test on a remote server.
ShellTestCaseTest case for testing of command line scripts and utilities.
SimpleAuthenticatorManages security realms.
SimpleBrowserSimulated web browser.
SimpleBrowserHistoryBrowser history list.
SimpleButtonTagSubmit button as button tag.
SimpleCheckboxGroupA group of tags with the same name within a form.
SimpleCheckboxTagCheckbox widget.
SimpleCookieCookie data holder.
SimpleCookieJarRepository for cookies.
SimpleDumperDisplays variables as text and does diffs.
SimpleErrorQueueSingleton error queue used to record trapped errors.
SimpleErrorTrappingInvokerExtension that traps errors into an error queue.
SimpleExpectationAssertion that can display failure information.
SimpleFormForm tag class to hold widget values.
SimpleFormEncodingBundle of GET/POST parameters.
SimpleFormTagTag to aid parsing the form.
SimpleFrameTagTag to aid parsing the frames in a page.
SimpleFramesetA composite page.
SimpleHttpHeadersCollection of header lines in the response.
SimpleHttpRequestHTTP request for a web page.
SimpleHttpResponseBasic HTTP response.
SimpleIdSelectorUsed to extract form elements for testing against.
SimpleImageSubmitTagImage button as input tag.
SimpleInvokerThis is called by the class runner to run a single test method.
SimpleInvokerDecoratorDo nothing decorator.
SimpleLabelSelectorUsed to extract form elements for testing against.
SimpleLexerAccepts text and breaks it into tokens.
SimpleMockAn empty collection of methods that can have their return values set and expectations made of the calls upon them.
SimpleNameSelectorUsed to extract form elements for testing against.
SimpleOptionTagOption for selection field.
SimplePageA wrapper for a web page.
SimplePageBuilderSAX event handler.
SimpleProxyRouteCreates HTTP headers for the end point of a HTTP request via a proxy server.
SimpleRadioButtonTagRadio button.
SimpleRadioGroupA group of tags with the same name within a form.
SimpleRealmRepresents a single security realm's identity.
SimpleReporterRecipient of generated test messages that can display page footers and headers.
SimpleRouteCreates HTTP headers for the end point of a HTTP request.
SimpleRunnerThe standard runner.
SimpleSaxListenerSAX event handler.
SimpleSaxParserConverts HTML tokens into selected SAX events.
SimpleScorerCan recieve test events and display them.
SimpleSecureSocketWrapper for TCP/IP socket over TLS.
SimpleSelectionTagDrop down widget.
SimpleShellWrapper for exec() functionality.
SimpleSocketWrapper for TCP/IP socket.
SimpleStateStackStates for a stack machine.
SimpleStickyErrorStashes an error for later.
SimpleStubAn empty collection of methods that can have their return values set.
SimpleSubmitTagSubmit button as input tag.
SimpleTagHTML or XML tag.
SimpleTestCaseBasic test case.
SimpleTestCompatibilityStatic methods for compatibility between different PHP versions.
SimpleTestOptionsStatic global directives and options.
SimpleTestXmlParserParser for importing the output of the XmlReporter.
SimpleTextAreaTagContent tag for text area.
SimpleTextTagText, password and hidden field.
SimpleTitleTagPage title.
SimpleUrlURL parser to replace parse_url() PHP function which got broken in PHP 4.3.0.
SimpleUserAgentFetches web pages whilst keeping track of cookies and authentication.
SimpleWidgetForm element.
StubStatic methods only service class for code generation of server stubs.
TestCaseAdapter for sourceforge PHPUnit test case to allow legacy test cases to be used with SimpleTest.
TextReporterSample minimal test displayer.
UnitTestCaseStandard unit test class for day to day testing of PHP code XP style.
UnwantedPatternExpectationFail if a pattern is detected within the comparison.
UnwantedTextExpectationFail if a substring is detected within the comparison text.
WantedPatternExpectationTest for a pattern using Perl regex rules.
WantedTextExpectationTest for a text substring.
WebTestCaseTest case for testing of web pages.
WebTestCaseInvokerExtension that builds a web browser at the start of each test.
WildcardExpectationA wildcard expectation always matches.
XmlReporterCreates the XML needed for remote communication by SimpleTest.
Function Summary
simpleTestErrorHandlerError handler that simply stashes any errors into the global error queue.
Global Summary
E_STRICT@ignore - PHP5 compatibility fix.
LEXER_ENTER#@+ Lexer mode stack constants
MOCK_WILDCARDDefault character simpletest will substitute for any value
SIMPLE_TEST#@+ Includes SimpleTest files and defined the root constant for dependent libraries.
TYPE_MATTERSdoes type matter
